My Story
I am a writer and editor who has made it my mission to help those dealing with the loss of a loved one, particularly a spouse. After I became a widow at 42, I didn't want people to tell me how to heal or that everything happens for a reason. I just wanted to know that my feelings were normal.
I spent almost three years working with a grief counselor, and I joined a young widows group, becoming good friends with many widows/widowers. Having these outlets to share my feelings and know I wasn't alone was really the only thing that helped me. In gratitude to the widows and widowers who helped me, I decided to pay it forward and support others suffering a loss.
In Feeling Left Behind, I share my experiences and feelings to help others know that they're not alone and that their feelings are normal. In a candid and heartfelt way, I express what many–maybe even most–grieving people feel and experience. The book is a Book Excellence Award finalist for the Grief category. It is also a finalist for the Colorado Authors' League awards in the Nonfiction category.
If you've found this website, chances are you've suffered a loss and are grieving. If so, I am truly sorry. Please know you're welcome here and you're not alone!